Why Choose Us?

31/10/2022 GlobedEducationServices Ltd.

We are delighted you are considering our services

We provide above and beyond what is written on the dotted lines

GlobedEducationServices changed its headquarters to the heart of central England in Birmingham during the early 2000s, since continuously serving international and local students for more than 20 years. GlobedEducationServices has always acted to offer competitive services. Globed not only offers rigorously tried and systematic services. Our services offer reliability and clear communication to put parents at ease with their childrens studies.

Our team of senior education consultants each have over a decade's experience in Education

The distinction between us and other Student Guardianships is clear when your child deals with the struggles of living abroad. With our years of experience we know how to manage emotional subtleties that are bound to occur and handle various situations which arise with the challenges of your child living abroad.

GlobedEducationServices Duty

It is our duty serve and prove your child a fulfilling, enjoyable and safe time studying in the UK.


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